Endoscopy in the last two decades has undergone many changes and innovations.

The renaissance of laparoscopy and hysteroscopy has begun in the last few years due the need for more minimally invasive procedures and in order to "save the uterus".

Hysteroscopic surgery or intrauterine surgery provides us with just that option. It diagnoses problems and then affords us methods to treat the problem. This all done in the same instance and sitting without the patient having to undergo drastic and traumatic scars and really most of the times in an out patient setting. Hence this can be reproduced in rural settings especially for developing and underprivileged societies where cost is an issue. This has lead to a decrease in mortality and morbidity in women and hence better health in women and ipso facto health of society in general. MESC is a step in that direction which is formed to teach and train gynaecologists and health care providers in this art of medical treatment.

Laparoscopy in Gynaecology we all are more familiar with and has also been the accepted gold standard for most gynaecological procedures . We await the day where caesarians will be done by laparoscopy ! Obviously this statement being a little too far fetched and tongue in cheek ! It has become a necessity to learn and for the armamentarium of any gynaecologist and more so now with changing practises.

Here we welcome anyone who wishes to learn the basics of this procedure and then move on to advanced procedures and learning newer techniques n the art of this procedure. The latest developments with hardware and software and the introduction of AI in today’s modification of this procedure.

There are opportunities for learning the basics and advanced procedures in our courses.